A question for those doing sign work.

I was wondering what format you are using when you export to a Roland Verscamm printer.


Ever once in a while I run into the problem of creating something using a color that includes either a red or blue that the printer won't print correctly.

When creating graphics are you only working with RGB colors?

The whole issue of color management is very interesting and also difficult to understand.

I am using an Oracal vinyl and have used the settings they suggest.


                                      Thanks Jimmy


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  • Hi.

    I didn't read the CM book but this works for me.

    I design for most proofs or web graphics in RGB. Anything I print is in CMYK but I sometimes  use RGB colors in my prints from color charts I have printed so I know how they output.

    You can print out several of the palettes in Draw and make color charts for yourself to see color output or use for matching.


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