A question for those doing sign work.

I was wondering what format you are using when you export to a Roland Verscamm printer.


Ever once in a while I run into the problem of creating something using a color that includes either a red or blue that the printer won't print correctly.

When creating graphics are you only working with RGB colors?

The whole issue of color management is very interesting and also difficult to understand.

I am using an Oracal vinyl and have used the settings they suggest.


                                      Thanks Jimmy


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  • I just toured a shop in Las Vegas today that does artwork for slot machines, signs and much more. They had Rolands and many other types of equipment. I knew what the answer should be, but I asked them if they designed in RGB or CMYK. They were very clear that everything is done in RGB (note this shop didn’t use Corel software in-house, but does accept CDR files from other designers).
    So the short answer is that you should be designing in RGB!