Print grid layer is turned on and CAN'T turn off

Hi, i have a problem and it's driving me nuts. I have some corel files with print grid layer button turned on and it's impossible to turn it off.


This have a secondary effect and it's corel hangs up when i try to print the file, start to make the "previous checkings" and never ends.


I'm desesperate, any of you can you help me please?




Capture of the problematic files:



Capture of a normal corel file:









Parents Reply
  • Ronny Axelsson said:

    Check this thread for additional information.

    thanks...but i have to do this for each page. if i add new page i have to use this ActiveLayer.Printable = False command again. is there a one shot solution? also has my file has become corrupt? i didn't import anything except some jpegs from explorer. {folders located in various locations}


    moreover ,

    i get this error compile error : invalid in immediate pane . ok help



    upon typing 


    Public Sub MakeGridLayerNonPrintable()

        ActiveDocument.MasterPage.GridLayer.Printable = False

    End Sub


    in immediate window. 
