In X5 Draw and Paint my tool-tips have stopped showing and I can't see where they could've been disabled.
Any ideas?
This was set. I cleared and reset it but still no tool tips.
Maybe a restart of the computer.
Or on a long shot try switching themes and then back again. It could be a windows Glitch.
Thanks for the help but I have major problems as Corel started to crash when opened. I uninstalled and reinstalled but this didn't fix it and I have now found many apps crashing on opening so this is a system problem.
64 BIt Windows 7. Tried the memory test and it hung at 21% for literally hours. May have a h/w fault.
Hi, It is a memory glitch because you install the wrong memory to the system.
you should check the memory compatibility with the memory manufacturer like
And take the non compatible memory out and replace it immediately.
That post is over two years old!
HaHaHa I hope you have it taken care of then.