my friends likes to make a present to cut diamond patterns into steel, but he doesn´t find any suitable technique,
how to create right patterns, that fills entire circle without odd effects.
would you be good enough please to share your valuable experiences or tips to create a few samples?
thanks in advance and have a nice holidays!
To start with, you may want to establish a repeatable pattern. Once you establish the pattern, repeat it until you have an area design you can trim to the desired end shape (Circle). Combine. All are just outlined objects so far. Increase the line width on the pattern. Then make the Circle outline even larger. Convert the pattern outlines to object and then the Circle outline to an object and weld them together.
hi ,
thanks to you all for your kind share ( knowledge with experiences are most valued)
one question, is there any way / idea, how to repeat patters as Jack beautifully presented here
without any distortion or cutting the patterns around the outer edge please?
best of luck!
After thinking a while, maybe what you are seeking is the lower section of your original post. Yes it still has a pattern. Only it takes a little more time to create. Then it must be assembled. the yellow stack of diamonds are dulicated and mirror vertically and the new dup is position above the original, grouped, duplicated, the rotated.
After ungrouping, combining, increasing line width and Coverting line to oblects. Also see attached CDR.
Good job, Jack. Congrats.
Silvio Win said: Good job, Jack. Congrats.
Thank you Silvio. Hope it helps the orginal posted.
Here's a little macro to play with if you want. It deletes everything outside the circle. Select all ungrouped items and run.
Sub deleteOutsideShapes() Dim s As Shape, sr As ShapeRange Dim x#, y#, ss As Shape Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrCenter If sr.count = 0 Then MsgBox "Select items then run macro": Exit Sub ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "deleteOutsideShapes" For Each s In sr s.GetPosition x, y Set ss = ActivePage.SelectShapesAtPoint(x, y, True) If ss.Shapes.count = 1 Then s.Delete End If Next s ActiveDocument.EndCommandGroupEnd Sub