How do I set up a document with two pages side by side (but not four pages) for eventual exporting as PDF documents?

Hi Folks,

I use Coreldraw X5 and am having trouble working out how to set-up a document whereby I can see two pages (right and left) at the same time - with these being a pair of pages rather than a group of four (as in a book or booklet). Intended output is exporting to a PDF file for submitting to Amazon Createspace - who seem to want a pdf in my chosen trim size of 6" by 9". 

How do I achieve this?

Also, do I - as part of the process - have to somehow enlarge the pages (from 6" by 9" to 12" by 18" or some other configuration)?

I'm all at sea at the  moment. lol. Why can't there be a simple button to press to enable seeing left and right pages. Should be so simple!

Regards, Malthus

(Apologies if this has been asked before).