How do I set up a document with two pages side by side (but not four pages) for eventual exporting as PDF documents?

Hi Folks,

I use Coreldraw X5 and am having trouble working out how to set-up a document whereby I can see two pages (right and left) at the same time - with these being a pair of pages rather than a group of four (as in a book or booklet). Intended output is exporting to a PDF file for submitting to Amazon Createspace - who seem to want a pdf in my chosen trim size of 6" by 9". 

How do I achieve this?

Also, do I - as part of the process - have to somehow enlarge the pages (from 6" by 9" to 12" by 18" or some other configuration)?

I'm all at sea at the  moment. lol. Why can't there be a simple button to press to enable seeing left and right pages. Should be so simple!

Regards, Malthus

(Apologies if this has been asked before).

  • It's very simple. Imagine that you want to create a magazine, 200x300 mm) each page. Double clik on the page border, in order to go to "Page size". Choose twice the size you need, that means 400x300 mm 

    Now, navigate to "layout" (on the left column) and choose booklet instead full page, and also enable "facing pages". Ready.

    Just add the pages you need. You will see first and last pages alone, and 2-3, 4-5, etc 

    When you export as PDF by default you'll see individual pages, but there're an option on the PDF viewers for enable "facing pages"

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