Drawing a comet

Dear Corel Users

Can you suggest a good way to draw a comet - not using a bitmap glow, but in pure vector on a dark background?

I attach a Photo to show more exactly how it look like ...



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  • hello Erik

    I think you can do what you want in CDRaw But you will  probably need to convert items to bit map and use some effects the attached is all cdraw vector object with lens, gradient, gaussian blur,.

     Background is rectangle converted to bitmap then  Creative-particles filter on bitmap menu

    Gas clouds are shapes with nebulae texture fill plus transparency.

    The Galaxies are ellipse with distort- twister- convert to curve -use shape tool to move spiral arms- gradient fill - bitmap-Gaussian blur, colour is a lens on top 

    The comet is 5 elements    1. shape with gradient then gaussian blur then apply effect bitmap- art strokes-scraperboard    2.  white shape for head - Gaussian blur  3. duplicate first shape apply colour  then transparent lens  4. drop shadow using grey for colour then gaussian blur

     it doesn't take that long you can add the colour like you photo duplicating the tail adding lens and colour as you wish.

    Are you involved in Astronomy?

    Ross Blair





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