Separator not available in User Menus

I like to have my own Command Bar for favourites but the Separator in User Menus can't be selected. In All (Show All Items), there is a ghost of it but it disappears from the list when I try to select it. Not a big deal but I would like to use it.

  • Hello shelley; Try Making your bar by dragging a item from the "Commands" section of the setup and placing it where you want,

    drag the next icon and place it in beside that one and keep dragging and dropping the icons until you have what you want on that bar, and place the bar where you want it then go back and click on a icon you want the spacer to be on it's left and click on the add spacer.

    and it should end up like below

    I Hope this is what you wanted to know, George

    • shelley said:

      I like to have my own Command Bar for favourites but the Separator in User Menus can't be selected. In All (Show All Items), there is a ghost of it but it disappears from the list when I try to select it. Not a big deal but I would like to use it.


      See this thread: User Menu Separator is Separated.


      • Hello Patti, & shelley; Patti are you saying I did it again?Embarrassed shelley go to the post Patti is pointing to and see if it is any help, I tried to help her with the same problem and after she tried my advice and stopped throwing thing at me I think she got it straight by her self.

        Helpfull GeorgeIck!

        • I believe the guys at Corel have been informed about it.
          Hopefully it'll be fixed in a service pack.

          • Hi Patti,

            Yes! This is exactly the same problem and thanks TheSignGuy for showing us how to get hold of it from the list.

            I gave up and used the workaround of creating individual new Tool Bars. Each one has a line of dots where the handle is so they make a good separator.

            Ronny, thanks for the input on Corel.