Font issues in X6 Home & Student.

So we have two machines running X6 home n student, with the same fonts installed (files were copied from one computer to the other.  On the newer install the same font (Vines) has little jagged pieces on the edges of some of the letters, also when we turn it into an outline (Convert to Bitmap, then Trace ->Outline Trace -> Line Art) not only does it have the little jagged edges, it also sometimes flattens out the top and bottom of the curves. While all this is manually fixable, when we are busy this all takes time that we would rather put towards getting more done in a day.  Any help is appreciated and any info you need please let me know.

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  • As Mike suggests, the job you are doing would probably be better done by converting the font to curves instead of to a bitmap and then tracing it, But it might still be useful to know why the two machines trace differently.

    If the fonts themselves are identical and you don't see those jagged pieces when you zoom in closely, my guess is that either:

    • the machines are creating bitmaps of a different resolution, or
    • you have different trace settings on the two machines. 

