Unreliable Corel Draw import cost me big money again

Yet again Corel Draw let me down in a painful way. Recently the errors and problems with importing PDFs are even more cruel as the program seems to importing fine without notifying with any error but for some reason it turns out after print that there is one small letter missing somewhere within one word. Not even space left, no strange postscript errors or change of font that could indicate an error. I had two cases like this in my company within 3 days. Both are expensive large acrylic perspex panels.
For example when I import the below PDF  in Corel  Draw X6 as curves there is a little letter ‘t’ missing from the word ‘Development’ in bottom right corner.
IS Corel doing anything with this matter?
Support as far as I know is only available for 30days after purchase and they still have not replied to the other issues.


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  • I understand what you are all saying and I was tolerant for years accepting the fact Corel cant cope with especially new formats BUT:
    1) so far it was normally a matter of opening it correct or not being able to open it at all (or with massive errors/distortions or fonts missing). So it was clear if there was a problem with any file. Now the only way is to force clients to send everything curved. Yes, it opens as text fine but for years opening as curves prooved to be much safer and successful.

    2) I can't test it on X7 as I am not looking to upgrade in near future as I bough a set of 6 licenses of relatively shortly before X7 came out so I think I will have to suffer till new version and skip the X7 especially that they are experimentiong with new user interface in the X7.

    3) Adobe Suites are still very expensive for relatively small company and the staff is not trained in AI, not mentioning the fact that Corel Draw is much easier and better performing for large format purposes. We may however consider maybe one copy just to have an alternative for difficult files but it is still not going to save us from hidden not suspicious errors.

    THank you all for your comments.