low quality when exporting

hi all,

i'm new to x7 having use cd11 for years, i'm having trouble exporting a image so it stays the same or near quality as the original, i no issue doing this in cd11,

basically its a jpeg image high res, i've tried exporting png, jpeg, tiff, bitmap, all at the highest settings but its still low quality, can anyone help?

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  • X7 should work just fine for JPG export, have you tried this specific file with CD11?

    It looks like there is something wrong with the image, the pixel information in Draw doesn't correspond with the exported file.
    The original image is 7,016 x 4,961 pixels at 2.076 dpi.
    If I try to convert the image to bitmap again, or export pixel perfect, the result will be 2,786 x 3,488 pixels at 2,076 dpi.

    Do you know what has been done to the image?

    If you want to export a black and white image at 100%, you must turn off anti-aliasing or the edges will be fuzzy.
    A JPG will always be 24 (or 32) bits and you must set quality to 100% if you don't want to degrade the resulting bitmap.
    Try TIFF, it will allow black and white.

    Attached is a 8-bit PNG with optimized palette, two colors only, no anti-aliasing, 2,786 x 3,488 pixels at 2,076 dpi.
    Compare and I think you will find the result pixel perfect.

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