CDR file not loading

Hello there!

I have been working on a 10-page file in X7 and this morning I tried opening it only to find that DRAW kept "processing" it for almost 20 minutes. At some point, I realized I could open menus and when I tried clicking on "close" DRAW froze and shut down.

I tried online tools for fixing corrupted files but they kept saying that the file is "empty" or "unreadable". I also tried to open it in X8 on a colleague's PC and in Illustrator but they all said pretty much the same thing.

 I know that the file is not empty because I opened it with 7zip and looked around the *.xml and *.dat files and I can see my texts and also my preview pages, so I think it has to do with DRAW not being able to compose the ingredients.

I' m desperate for help, because I've been working on that file for quite some time.

Here's a link where you can download it if you want to take a look.

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