Windows 10?

Hi all,

I am still operating CoredlDraw x7 on the Windows 7 platform but need to upgrade to Windows 10.

Interested to know if anyone has done that and if you came across any problems.


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  • Works on Windows 10, but keep in mind if you rely on Adobe Type 1 font support, Microsoft has removed that (support that is) with the Fall Creators Update awhile back.  You can still use Adobe Type 1 fonts, but you may run into mysterious problems since no longer supported natively in Windows.  Seems to work fine with Adobe products, but I have personally experienced lag/slow down problems (in X7) when copying (by drag copy) TEXT items that use Type 1 fonts AFTER the Fall Creators Update.  Some say they do not experience this, but I defintily have.  My workaround was to convert "my" mostly used Type 1 fonts to OpenType and it resolved my problem.

    Again, just a heads up is all if you rely on millions of Type 1 fonts in your daily use collection.  Otherwise you should be just fine.

    I actually now prefer the NEW Type Manager (v2017 up) versus the Font Navigator.
