Coreldraw won't open

I purchased and loaded coreldraw graphics suite x8. Everything from the disc opens except draw and paint. As soon as I click on the icon I get ' coreldraw x8 64 bit has stopped working'. I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times. I've also installed only draw and still not opening. Service pack is up to date for window 7. I've emailed Corel support and have taken every step they've thrown out there. The trial version worked great, this however isn't. Anyone out there with the same problem?

  • I'm having the same problem right now........although mine worked fine up until today. :/
    • Same issue, just suddenly as of today. Only upgraded to X8 not even a month ago and it's worked beautifully until now when it won't even open the application. I've tried letting Corel installer run a repair, and then an uninstall reinstall to no luck. Both Corel Draw and PhotoPaint X8 64bit fail to even load. The error dialog is vague: "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.." and "An unhandled win32 exception occurred in Corel[app].exe [numbers]". Each time, the [numbers] have been different, including 8372, 5632, 1212, 10956, 9612.

      Closed all applications and restarted computer. Well, Corel is running again (for now), albiet all my settings gone.
      • This happened to me last week on one computer running windows 10. It just stopped working.........then the next day it worked fine. No clue what was going on there. My windows 7 system worked normally. Which isn't saying much, X8 only worked well on this system for about a month, then it's just gotten worse and worse from there. My X4 still works amazing on both systems.
        • I'm unsure whether to believe the issue to be within Corel or Windows win32 controller. Have you got a stable restore point you could go back to? That might improve your stability.

          Otherwise I'm anxiously waiting for Corel to increase their application stability. (I've never moved to VideoStudio because even the trials have struggled to do much without crashing. Thankfully Draw and PhotoPaint have usually proven fairly stable. I've been using Corel since v4 - not X4).

          If my problem resurfaces, I'll share any useful findings.
          • I'm pretty much thinking it's a controller issue at this point. I can tell X8 just runs buggy in windows 7. Anytime it needs to "think" it bogs down. For example today I was trying to run off some charity draw tickets. I was using the merge feature to number them digitally. It amounted to about 1000 pages. It took X8 45 minutes to compile a preview of the job. That didn't seem correct to me so I saved the file back to X4 format. Loaded it up in X4. The same preview took 4 seconds.........that's right 4 SECONDS. This same X8 worked amazing on windows 7 when I first purchased it and then the windows updates started coming. I hasn't been the same since. It runs better on my windows 10 system(not as fast as X4) but X4 isn't supposed to be compatible with windows 10 so it's a bit glitchy. I'm screwed either way lol.
        • Hi Guys,

          I have no idea what is causing your problem.

          However, you might find some clues in the Windows event files.  You can also report these findings to Corel.  Do as follows:

          Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative tools > Event Viewer > Custom Views > Administrative events > right click on an event > click on Properties.

          I found the cause of my printing failure this way.

          The last dialogs should look like this.
