'Find Text' Bug...?

...or is it just me?

When in the Commands section of Customization, when performing a Find Text to locate a function it takes so long that CorelDraw appears to be locked up.

for me, it can take 3-4 minutes per step.

Windows 10, tons of memory and processing speed.

thanks in advance, - handsome john

  • Yep, X7 has always been that way too.
    • Not here. I have Show All selected, then I searched for 'Node' and it took just under a second to 'Find Next'
      • I do have a ton of macros though.
        • show all takes 25sec. Search for "node"? I gave up after waiting 5min. After 20min nothing happening. Then wouldn't close. Couldn't x off or escape either. As a last resort I hit my handy dandy batch file to kill corel, empty temp files then reboot the app.
          I wouldn't think that having many macros would be the culprit.
      • What term did you search for? I searched for "text" and the text tool came up in 2 seconds.
        • Hi Tony!
          it does not matter which term, all searches take 3-5 minutes. As Myron mentions above, i do have around 60 macros installed if that makes a difference
          • It's very possible that it's related to the number (and type (VBA,VSTA, C++) of macros/addins that you have on the machine.

            If you can run some tests on this, rename the GMS folder and create a new workspace that doesn't have any macros installed and report back if it gets faster.