2 x 2 Corel Layout

I need to set up a page layout with 4 separate A3 pages and have them as a 2x2 layout on screen

The overall size will be A1 but the printers require A3 files outputted as pdfs

  • I hope you can setup the required layout for PDF or Print. So you can choose the paper size as A3 and layout your pages in 2x2 format. CorelDRAW will automatically reduce the sizes to fit those to selected page size. Alternatively you can set a reduction in Print to setup oversize pages to print at smaller size. All settings can be done in Ctrl+P dialog box. You might need a device like PDFCreator for crating PDFs.

    • On the publish to pdf setting I cant see anywhere to spilt the A1 page into 4 individual A3's

      • Yes, its not possible to impose with publish to PDF, but you can do it if you print to a PDF driver.

        Anand suggested PDF creator. Bullzip is another that will fo the job.


        [Edit] Re-reading the original, I see you want to divide the page into 4, not impose it.

        Personally I would not do that unless the job requires overlap between the four pages. But I think you can probably do that using a tent fold layout.


        [Edit 2] Having tried that in X6, I'm not sure that you can. The tent fold is limited to a single fold and the option to show facing pages is not available. But I'm sure I remember seeing a four-up layout in previous versions.

        • I need to have a large image over the whole spread as once printed it folds out like a map

          • I suppose you have your design in format A0, printer will print 4 pages A3 and then combine A3 pages to A0 (e.g. stick them on sheet A0) - then I would print it to postscript and on print dialog would select tiled pages (2x2) and set tile overlap (if necessary).


            Created postscript file can be opened in Corel Draw (4 pages A3) and published to PDF. If printed to PDF printer (like PDF creator etc) than you can print directly to PDF (see Anand´s tip)




            Do it manually - take your A0 design and split it to the four A3 sections (e.g. by powerclip) and then move each A3 object to its page – i.e. get document with four pages A3 and then publish to pdf.

            Best regards,
