Corel R.A.V.E. 12 - Trouble with GIF-animation exporting

Hi everyone! I've got next trouble: I've finished the animating of logo, so I have to export it in a GIF format. In Movie Setup I'm setting up Animation Width and Height equal to logo's width and height but it's useless. Logo is fitted to page. But in result logo is a small rectangle on white background. WHY?!?!?! What shoud I do to export my animation correctly?
  • How are you viewing the logo? In Internet Explorer or another web browser?

     I've found that when I export to SWF using RAVE, if I just view the SWF itself without putting into a web page (table, CSS, etc.) that it is never the correct size in appearance on the screen.

     Try creating a table with a TD that is the dimensions of your GIF and place the GIF in the TD.  Then view the page and see if the animation is correct.


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