New Problem for silly milly

Good Morning people, i think this might sound silly. i drew a shape but i dont know how to fill it....

im going mad please help

oh rememnber im using the old programme so i fdont have that magi tool thingy

mwah th guys

  • To be able to fill your object, object need to be made of closed curves (Nods have to be connected). If that is not the case, you won't be able to fill object. It depends how you draw your shape - If you take simple rectangular, you'll see that it can be filled. If you just line up single lines in shape of rectangular, that won't be possible (at least not in Draw 12). Lines have to be combined and nods connected. Only than you will be able to fill object...

  • Hi Mellisa, you say good morning and I say good evening here in Brisbane Australia it is 8pm

    any way back to your problem first one that magi tool thingy is most likely the magic wand masking tool this is in the masking tool flyout that is the second tool down on your left hand side tool bar < their is a little black arrow on the bottom right hand side click on this and more tools pop up

    when you post you should tell us which program that you are in and what tool that you are working with

    I think that you are in draw so I will tell you a little bit about filling a object or a drawing in corel draw

    in your tool box on your left hand side the 6th tool down is the rectangle tool  and the next one down is the elipse tool

    both of these tools can be filled with a color < first with the rectangle tool selected < on your image page left click and drag this should draw a square or rectangle depending how you draw it more on that later

    you should now have a object with a outline and no fill < with the object selected < go to the color palette on your right hand side and < left click on any color and that color will fill the object  do not use black as that will hide the black outline for this exercise.

    to change the black outline select object and go back to < color pallett and right click on any other color this will change the outline to the selected color now to change the width of the outline in your tool box 3rd from the bottom is a pen nib < click on the flyout < and the outline sizes start from hairline to 24 point thickness their is a  < X <  in a small rectangle this tell you no outline 

    Now with the elipse tool do the same exercise but use different colors for practice

    Then open Photo Paint and you will find that everything is different color selection is opposite to draw > a color has to be selected before you draw that is the fill and the outline and the selection of colors are opposite to draw

    see if you can draw and fill a rectangle and refere to your help files to help you

    if you are in Draw a have drawn the shape that you started with and that was drawn with any of the pen type tools 8 in total they must be a closed object simular to the rectangle that you started with any open area will not be filled

    their is a lot more to filling and coloring objects then what I have mentioned

