No memory again!


I've have this problem for months. The problem persists constantly when my file exceeds 10-15 Mb which is not that much. It sometimes show me a message <Out of Memory> or some other messages about low memory. 

I'm with Windows 7, Corel Draw 12, RAM 3 GB. I have about 19 GB free space on the hard disk of my laptop.

My temp folder is almost empty. The Corel options for memory is put on 50% to be used it was 25% by default.

Yesterday I changed my virtual memory settings by checking custom size and 4593 MB for both the initial and maximum size. Yes, I reboot my laptop. Now, I open this window for the virtual memory and for some reason the custom size is disabled and  System managed size is checked. 

Anyway, my work on a big project is blocked. Sad

Can someone give me a tip?

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