corel draw 12 from windows xp to windows 8.1

Please Help!

Just blew my mother board (had windows xp).....Went and purchased new computer with windows 8.1

my corel draw 12 installed just fine....but cant import any files in from old Corel files......

Help!!!! My business relies on art generated !!!!!!

Cant copy and past images from google or any other and paste in my corel installed on 8.1 operating system.

HElp help 

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  • Version 12 is very old, and not intended to work in anything later than windows XP

    Some people are still using it in windows 7 and 8 -- the recommended method seems to be using the XP mode addon -- which microsoft no longer offers. But there's a possible alternative described at

    That said, if you can create and reopen new files with version 12 as you currently have it installed, I cannot see why it should not also open your old files unless they are corrupted and have not copied correctly from the old computer. So the first test should be to make sure that somebody else can open one of your old files.

    If you have one that is not confidential and under 256Kb, you can upload it here for checking. You can do that in the options tab when you reply.

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