Upgrading from Paint Shop Pro

I have been a Paint Shop Pro user about 15 years.  The last version I purchased was Version 8.0.  I did not even know that Corel had purchased PSP until about four months ago.  Today I needed some help so I called Corel and they informed me that they do not even support PSP 8 any longer and they did not have me registered and further they could not even issue a serial # because I purchased the product while it was still Jasc.  He said that they were now using the equivicalent version Paint Shop Pro12.5 and that I could upgrade for $49.00.  I asked how this version 12.5 compared but he said that he had never used PSP 8 so he could not address the issues!  I need someone to tell me that has used PSP in the past and at least can tell me which product I would be upgrading to so I can see ome kind of descriiption of the product. Thank you!

Texcajun (My name is Bill Callihan)