How do you remove the default "closed paths" option?

 Hi! i'm new to this site. i'm doing a textbook in biochemistry and am using corelDRAW 12 to design the flowcharts. i have a problem. i need to draw a number of arrows in the shape of a circle. so i thought i'd put a circle on the screen and then use the eraser tool to make breaks in the circle. then i'd have a number of curved line segments in the shape of a circle. problem is, every time i use the eraser on any portion of the circle, the two newly created nodes are automatically linked. now i need to disable the option that results in closed paths every time i erase a portion of a closed shape. i need to create breaks in the circle. so how do i disable the "Closed Paths" option? Help!

  • Asher, instead of going through all that trouble erasing or trimming your circles, why don't you just use the Arc option?

    When you select the Eliipse Tool,  on your Upper Property Bar, you have 3 options, Ellipse, Pie or Arc. Select ARC.

    •  diane, i already know about the arc option. it's just that the whole thing is, hard to believe, actually much easier with the broken circle methold. how else would you arrange nine arcs with arrowheads such that they form a closed circle? thanks anyway. i'll give your solution a shot.

  • Hi Asher,

    Another way to get arrows to follow a circle, or any path:

    note how the arrows will bend around corners.
