Newbie needing help with a logo


I am very new to CorelDraw 12 and am trying to make a logo.  I have used the logo tutorial successfully.  I have a bitmap of a treble cleff sign that I am trying to change the color of.  The original bit map is green and I need 6 of them and each one a different color.  I have tried to trace the bit map and can change the color but it distorts the image.  The entire outline of the image changes color but there is no definition in the center of the treble cleff sign.  Any suggestions?

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  • If you don't have to match the style of the symbol exactly you can save yourself a lot of work. On your Draw CD3 are a bunch of fonts. In there, there is a font with musical symbols. Install the True-type font Musical Symbols.  I would recommend grabbing the Treble Cleff from the font by typing it into your document, converting it to curves and duplicating it six times.

    The font is called Musical Symbols. The Treble Clef is Shift 7 or the Ampersand Key. Windows Character Map is a great way to determine the characters available and how to extract the one you want.



