Easy way to draw floorplan/house layout?

Sorry, total newbie question... is there an easy way to draw floorplans/house layouts in CorelDraw? I just need to create basic outlines, but they'll need to include the symbols for bathtubs, closets, doors, windos, etc. Thanks in advance for your help!

  •  No doubt it depends on what you mean by easy.

    1st you will likely want to set your scale, for instance if born into the feet and inches world 1" = 4 feet works well. However there are metric versions as well.

    2nd ideally if you have a plan already scan it and drag it to match the scale, then place it on a separate layer so you can draw over top of it without having it move and you can also make it invisible whenever to see if you've got all the outlines drawn. I guess you might simply be able to right click on it and lock it as a not so nice alternative.

    Draw the basic design to scale which should be matching the previously scaled scan. 

     If you click on the drawing fly out tool there is a dimension tool, very handy for automating the dimensioning. 

    For Doors you can use the circle tool holding the shift key and create a radius the size of the door opening. Then use the node edit dragging into the circle to create a partial arc matching door swings.

    I have attached a lot plan with some of the basics done in Corel 12. It's also been handy when planning for a new machine at the work. I drew the plan. Made a  box the size of the  4 ton machine and dragged it through the design to see if it would make the corners, then placed it with clearances for maintenance and usage. Much nicer than bringing in the machine and then finding its been installed backwards to the work flow.

    I recall in some of the old emails something about using a free rendering engine to convert the 2 D plans to 3D - I haven't got that far in requirements yet. 

    Regards the symbols, I haven't found a nice source of cheap or free premade symbols, but maybe someone will post a link. There is a separate design cad program based on draw also available for trial download that may be better suited. Perhaps it has the missing symbols? 

    Ken Graham 










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