Corel X7 TIFF Export Problem


First time poster, user since ver. 8.

Having a major issues when I export to TIFF. Basically any time I try to export a 4'x8' it blows the file up to massive size and that's even if it's usable. For years I have battled issues with exporting corel files for large format printers. If I ever have a drop shade effect and attempt to export as an EPS, the drop shadow is printed as a dark rectangle without the desired feathering, the same would happen if I attempt to publish it as a PDF. The one thing I could trust was TIFF. Now a TIFF export is out of the question and Corel has become unusable in our sign shop. In the past when I managed a sign shop for an Anheuser-Busch wholesaler we would print to onyx right from Corel so these issues weren't as big of a problem....except for occasions when I would print a long cooler wrap with drop shades then exporting to TIFF would solve any issues.

Is Corel aware of this issue? This has happened on multiple machines all running Win 7 64-bit. I can attest this IS a bug.

No Data
  • We do the same in our sign shop. I won't ever export as an eps if it has a drop shadow. Always go with a tif. And if doing a pdf convert the drop shadow to raster first then publish to pdf. Significantly reduces the file size. Same with any vector color blends. Always go with tiff. I've also noticed that if you export as tiff and mess around while it's doing it's thing the file won't finish it's compression and will end up very large. I've exported then navigate to the file or check the print que and it'll be like 150MB. Export it again with all the same parameters and it'll be like 5MB.

    Hit export set your parameters, hit go and wait, don't do anything else in any other windows etc.

    Just my two cents worth.

