how can I display cdr thumbnails in windows 7 file explorer

I am having t go back to working with my desktop machine. This machine is running Windows 7 and has Coreldraw X3 installed. In older versions of both Windows and Coreldraw the Windows file Explorer would display thumbnails when set to show large icons. Now all I can get is something that looks like a text file icon.

I'm pretty sure I've seen the thumbnails work in later versions of Windows before. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

BTW the "Change" or "Repair" option in "Programs and Features" didn't do anything helpful.

  • Hello ronc0011; If you Saved them in the ver. you want to see them in it will work for you. But X3 will NOT show a file that was done in X8........Try back saving the file to the oldest Corel you use. Don't for get you May lose some of the Newer things in the newer program.

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