Color Management issues - yellow whites, washed out colors, only in corel though, help please!!!

Hi all, new member, old user (since coreldraw 1.1!), having issues with color management. I'll try to keep it simple, although I doubt this is an easy one to fix.

Printing within X3 shows white as yellowish hue, and most colors are incorrect (CMYK, RGB, Pantone spot colors) when printed, although very close on screen.

I have an i1Pro and X-Rite Profilemaker 5.0.10 installed, monitors are calibrated correctly and from photoshop and Illustrator, printer prints correctly after full profile done.

If I export a file with 1 inch squares of R, G, B, C, M, Y and K (as eps), then brought into photoshop for testing (imported as cmyk, exported from X3 as cmyk), I can see all the colors are correct, and the file prints perfectly. However, if I print from X3, colors are incorrect.

I've screwed with the color management for hours today and a bit yesterday, even turning off the ICC profiles within win 7 64 to make it completely "stock", and nothing I can do will change the colors at all from printing within X3.

I've also disabled color management in X3 and printed, no change at all. Changing the monitor profile from generic to the custom ICC profile in win7 creates a grey-brown hue over the whole page when printing, even where there are no elements!

I've attached a photo of the color variation in printing so I can further relay how far the colors are off, not sure what else to try at this point since I've completely turned off color management and the problem still exists!

This is also not something new, its been around for quite a long time now, I'm just tired of exporting everything so I can print relatively correct colors to my proofing printers (an HP 451DN, standard color proofing, more for art design and not so much color intent, and an Epson i9900 which is for full-color match proofs).

Luckily, exporting as an eps file works flawlessly, which is what we use for our Roland XC-540 printer/cutter, which is calibrated and Roland's RIP runs from an old XP machine, completely separated from our main design machine.

So much for keeping it short! Any help from you pros out there on getting colors to print better without messing up the export as eps function would be HUGELY appreciated!!!



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