How to fade right & bottom photo edges

 I am working on a flyer in CorelDraw and I am stuck on something.  I need to include a photo and I need the right side and bottom side of the photo to fade away.  The edge where the photo begins to fade should not be straight nor should it be a smooth circle/ellipse.  I tried doing this with the transparency tool in CorelDraw but I can't control it enough to end up with the effect that I need.  I figure I probably need to select "edit bitmap" and pop into Photo-Paint but I am far less knowledgeable in Photo-Paint than I am in CorelDraw.  Can someone give me some advice or point me to an online tutorial for this?



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  •  Edit the photo in PhotoPaint.

    Open Object Docker

    If you have a Background object, convert it to object/layer. There is a button to do this

    Right click the eye icon and select create ClipMask to show all.

    Now with the clipmask active, use the interactive fill tool and draw a gradient. You will see how the border turn to transparent.

    Play with it.

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