How to fade right & bottom photo edges

 I am working on a flyer in CorelDraw and I am stuck on something.  I need to include a photo and I need the right side and bottom side of the photo to fade away.  The edge where the photo begins to fade should not be straight nor should it be a smooth circle/ellipse.  I tried doing this with the transparency tool in CorelDraw but I can't control it enough to end up with the effect that I need.  I figure I probably need to select "edit bitmap" and pop into Photo-Paint but I am far less knowledgeable in Photo-Paint than I am in CorelDraw.  Can someone give me some advice or point me to an online tutorial for this?



  • You could also cheat and make a duplicate (B) of your original (A). Blur A until your borders (all of them) look like those you describe, then use the Shape tool to move both the top left and bottom left corner nodes of the image inwards. Place B on top of A and move the bottom right and top right nodes inwards also, until the areas which are not blurred from A and B fit seamlessly. Then you could convert both images into a single bitmap.

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