Advanced Artist tutorial CD

 Hi don't know if this is the appropriate place to ask have purchased the above cd/dvd for coreldraw and cannot get it to play. Has anyone had similar problem or know how i might get the drive to recognise the formatting,file type of the disc? I am in Australia and have tried changing the country to america but that didn't work and I got a nasty warning in a dialogue box. All my other cd's work fine. Are there any recommendations for further tutuorials me being still in nappies as far as understanding of cdraw?

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  • Hi B,

    This is the best overall resource to learn about CorelDRAW, IMO

    As for your exisiting Disc, have you checked with Tom yet?

    barbara54 said:
     Hi don't know if this is the appropriate place to ask have purchased the above cd/dvd for coreldraw and cannot get it to play. Has anyone had similar problem or know how i might get the drive to recognise the formatting,file type of the disc? I am in Australia and have tried changing the country to america but that didn't work and I got a nasty warning in a dialogue box. All my other cd's work fine. Are there any recommendations for further tutuorials me being still in nappies as far as understanding of cdraw?
