Problem in Colour Management X6 vs. X4


I´d updated a few weeks ago to CorelDraw X6(from X4).

There are a few improvements I like much but there is a problem in the colour settings for pdf...

If I convert a CMYK Draw X4 doc to pdf(pdf for print)....Black is Black means (100%K).

But if I do the same with X6 I have no 100%K - I got all colours in the black part.

I cant send this to the printery...where is the mistake in the colour management???

I tried a few changes in the colour management but could not succeed.

For info - using CorelDraw X6 on windows 7 - CMYK and have Acrobat X to proof the output.

Thanks for your help! 

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  • Steffen said:

    But if I do the same with X6 I have no 100%K - I got all colours in the black part.


    First are you sing the default color management settings in, X4 and X6?

    What PDF standard Corel created settings do you use?

    Are the file contents in CorelDRAW specifically the black content created in RGB?
