All the more reason to NOT accept PPT files!

Received 9 separate "Print Ready" PPT files

1. We don't print from PPT. We open them in PPT, save as pdf, then import to Corel for sizing and proofing (p.s. these were not "print ready"!)

2. PPT DOES NOT warn of missing fonts and will just sub whatever it feels like. Customers says no proof needed just needs them in a hurry. WRONG FONT PRINTED

3. Click on text in question in PPT says it's "blah blah" font but actually shows a completely different font. Guess which one gets used when creating the pdf?!

4. Nothing I can do to convert the font correctly. Copy & paste to any other office program, copy/paste to Corel etc.

Customer will have to go with what we printed but isn't going to be happy. They aren't going to understand anything I tell them about how wrong this whole project was!

I say we stop allowing PPT files! 

  • OMG these made me smile and my heart so happy. You guys rock.

    Nothing print ready ever comes from a PPT, I have to use it all the time and at best I can get some good looking stuff but with an intense back ache. One of the most miserable programs to use physically IMO.

    But would never consider it print ready. No matter how you convert it. Microsoft restricts everything on exports dumbing it down to what i would consider even less than 72 dpi.

    Receiving things from a client in power point ready to go... not. It usually looks like it came from well... power point. 

    My production department won't allow ppt files. We take it as an opportunity to educate them and sell our services to fix what is usually horrible design. Most of our clients already expect that anyways.

    Though I'm not sure of your situation ;-)

    Love the community replies though! Keep up the good fight.



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