How to create a foreign language font?

I have tried to create a new font in a foreign language. I have the vectorized the shapes of my letters and I was able to export it in .ttf. Then, I can access to all the regular Latin characters (a,b,c, ect) by selecting "Latin Basic" but not special characters (like Γ,Σ,Ψ,Ω,Π, ect) by selecting "Greek". It says that it doesn't support symbol fonts even though I have check the symbol font box. I don’t know what else to do. Is there a solution for that kind of problem? Thanks,

  • Select the Text tool.

    Click on Esc for ensuring that any object is not selected.

    Select any input method through an IME (Input Method Editor) over the Window status bar.
    We can select the input method through the Language bar when the Windows Language bar has been disabled.

    Select any form through the Font list box over the property bar.

    Select any font style through the Font style list box Upsers

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