Hello,So as you can probably tell I'm pretty new and not much familiar with photo editing and so but I edited on another PC on CorelDraw Photo Paint 2008 many Album Artworks. Few day ago i downloaded the CD 2020 15 days Trial and notified that the same picture edited in the same way on CorelDraw 2008 and 2020 has a different kBits value. The one from the 2008 Version has more than that one from my 2020 Trial. Does that mean the one with less kBits has a lower quality?
Hi There @NoMoreRoom, What type of files are you saving? (.jpg, .png, .tif?)If the current file has less Kbits, then there are a number of things to consider if it is a bitmap.
- File Dimensions (pxW & pxH)- File Export Resolution (dpi)- File Export format and if compression has been applied- File Meta DataRemember; the export algorithms of software are much more sophisticated now that what they were 12 years ago.
Hey, First of all thanks for answering!I'm saving my files in jpg put the pictures i edit are png. The Dpi is the same on both pictures. Should i export them instead?
You will definitely have a size difference between .jpg and .png files. (Save as and Export - does not really matter to my knowledge).Also, if you edit the original image (increase contrast or adjust hue and saturation of the image; this will also either increase or decrease the file size but not necessarily mean that the quality of the file is compromised).