Does less kBits mean lower quality?

Former Member
Former Member


So as you can probably tell I'm pretty new and not much familiar with photo editing and so but I edited on another PC on CorelDraw Photo Paint 2008 many Album Artworks. Few day ago i downloaded the CD 2020 15 days Trial and notified that the same picture edited in the same way on CorelDraw 2008 and 2020 has a different kBits value. The one from the 2008 Version has more than that one from my 2020 Trial. Does that mean the one with less kBits has a lower quality?

  • Hi There @NoMoreRoom, 
    What type of files are you saving? (.jpg, .png, .tif?)

    If the current file has less Kbits, then there are a number of things to consider if it is a bitmap.

    - File Dimensions (pxW & pxH)
    - File Export Resolution (dpi)
    - File Export format and if compression has been applied
    - File Meta Data

    Remember; the export algorithms of software are much more sophisticated now that what they were 12 years ago.

    • Former Member
      0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to IdealDisplays_SA

      Hey, First of all thanks for answering!

      I'm saving my files in jpg put the pictures i edit are png. The Dpi is the same on both pictures. Should i export them instead?

      • You will definitely have a size difference between .jpg and .png files. (Save as and Export - does not really matter to my knowledge).

        Also, if you edit the original image (increase contrast or adjust hue and saturation of the image; this will also either increase or decrease the file size but not necessarily mean that the quality of the file is compromised).