CorelDraw X6 VBA convert cdrCurveSegment or cdrMixedSegments type curve to circle, or arc

First, I apologize for my bad English knowledge. I draw patterns for the cnc machine and know that I need to export the finished artwork to dxf format. This solution does not produce nice circles. This will make the circle replace many small lines, which is unnecessary code and time I try to write a VBA macro, which converts the drawings by coordinate system, starting, finishing points. Linear graphics (type = cdrLineSegment) have no problem, but I was jammed at the bezier curves. How can I break a curve line to get circles? I found such an example program, but this is still a small one:

For Each sp In s.Curve.SubPaths
        For Each seg In sp.Segments       
        'cdrLineSegment=0   cdrCurveSegment=1   'cdrMixedSegments=2 ConvertUnits(35,cdrInch,cdrMillimeter)
            If seg.Type = cdrLineSegment Then
            ElseIf seg.Type = cdrCurveSegment Then
                Debug.Print "Length: " & ConvertUnits(seg.Length, cdrInch, cdrMillimeter)
                Debug.Print " StartX: " & ConvertUnits(seg.StartNode.PositionX, cdrInch, cdrMillimeter) & vbTab & _
                            " StartY: " & ConvertUnits(seg.StartNode.PositionY, cdrInch, cdrMillimeter) & vbTab & _
                            " StartAng: " & seg.StartingControlPointAngle & vbTab & _
                            " StartControlPoint: " & ConvertUnits(seg.StartingControlPointLength, cdrInch, cdrMillimeter) & vbTab & _
                            " EndX: " & ConvertUnits(seg.EndNode.PositionX, cdrInch, cdrMillimeter) & vbTab & _
                            " EndY: " & ConvertUnits(seg.EndNode.PositionY, cdrInch, cdrMillimeter) & vbTab & _
                            " EngAng: " & seg.EndingControlPointAngle & vbTab & _
                            " EndControlPoint: " & ConvertUnits(seg.EndingControlPointLength, cdrInch, cdrMillimeter)

           end if



Thanks in advance for all the help

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