Easy Springs and Helices

It would be nice to have an easy way to make spiral objects like springs and helices in the projected axes and perspective views. I would love to see a tool like this in the tool  group that contains screws, wells, cylinders, and prisms.

Ideally, you'd be able to set...

1) The cylinder that contains the entire volume of the spring. This cylinder would define the spring's top, bottom, and width.

2) The density of the coils, perhaps in coils-per-inch, similar to how thread density for screws is defined, or even just number of coils.

3) The cross-section of the coil. For example, a spring coil would have a circular cross section, and one side of a DNA strand would have a rectanguloid cross-section.

4) (maybe) The starting point for the spring. For this, you could click a position on the top or bottom ellipse of the cylinder to specify where the coil should start. Alternatively, this could be set with a numerical "degrees" entry, similar to how the warp around ellipse tool lets you define an offset point along the circumference of the ellipse.

Springs are a pain in Illustrator too, and an easy way to make them in projected axes and perspective views would give Corel Designer another very strong edge over the competition.