Importing dwg/dxf files into XVL Studio under trial mode.

I downloaded the Corel Designer Suite X6 trial version yesterday. The downloading and the installation course ran problem free. The installation was finished successfully  The programs were installed on Windows 7- 64 bit platform. After the installation I started to work with the Designer X6 and it was running correctly. I tried to import a 3D dwg. file into a new blank drawing and Corel started up XVL Studio program. I tried to import one of my existing dwg. 2013 file in the XVL but during the process an error occurred. I tried again with different versions  dwg and dxf files but XVL just couldn't import the files and I always was given the same messages. "Unable to import ... file"
I'd like to insert my existing 3D drawing as vector graphic in Corel in order to editing technical illustration. 
Could anyone help me find out the reason why my trial version couldn't import dwg/dxf files?

  • Whilst running the Trial Version of Designer X6 I briefly tried XVL Studio.

    I do not have any 3D Drawings available to use so XVL Studio was opened from the Start Panel.To locate suitable Drawings to view I searched for 'Samples' and chose to open a Drawing of an Impact Driver.

    Next up was to load some of my DXF Files, but none of them would load.

    Please note that I am not seeing the opportunity to Import any type of File, the options for me are as shown in the attachment.


    Although I have no thoughts about using XVL Studio your post lead me to revisit the that Program now that my Technical Pack has been Registered.

    Once again I was unable to open any DXF Files, although in Open > Files of Type Drop-down List DXF is listed.


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