Designer X6 - Table formatting Issue (64-Bit Version SP1)

Has anyone experienced a formatting issue with tables in Designer X6 and/or has Corel acknowledged that there may be an issue?  The specific issue I have noticed is that you cannot select individual cells and apply color from the palette.  This functionality existed in all versions before X6 and the help file says you can do this.  However, what happens is that when you select a cell or group of cells and pick a color the entire background of the table takes on the selected color.  I have X5 files that use this functionality and a fix would be appreciated.

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  • pecpix said:

    Has anyone experienced a formatting issue with tables in Designer X6 and/or has Corel acknowledged that there may be an issue?  The specific issue I have noticed is that you cannot select individual cells and apply color from the palette.  This functionality existed in all versions before X6 and the help file says you can do this.  However, what happens is that when you select a cell or group of cells and pick a color the entire background of the table takes on the selected color.  I have X5 files that use this functionality and a fix would be appreciated.

    Actually you can do this very easily. 

    1) Create a table

    2) Drag a color into any individual box, done, now.....

    3) Put some text in another box

    4) This part is tricky, but when you get the hang of it. you'll love it. Grab a color from the swatches, drag it to the box needing the fill, slowly cross the line and you will see it turn into a box with lines only, this is the box outline, now slowly continue and it will be solid. this is the box fill color, slowly continue and outlines will appear again, this is the text outline, slowly continue and it will be a box, this is the text fill.

    Hope this helps

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