Macro: Zoom to Selection Plus

Added 2019-09-28: If you want to find the macro discussed in this thread, you can find it in Eskimo's blog: #14 - Macro - "Zoom to Selection Plus".

In a recent thread in the X7 section - zOOM TO SELECTION FOR TO THE NODES SELECTION - FEATURE REQUEST - there was some discussion about having the ability to zoom to selected nodes. Some VBA approaches to that were posted, and the discussion expanded to include other types of  "zoom to selection" that might be useful. I've tried to address some of those with a macro.

"Zoom to Selection Plus" can, depending on the situation:

  • zoom to selected nodes of one or more Curves
  • zoom to the selected lines of Text that is being edited
  • zoom to selected objects
  • zoom to all visible objects
  • zoom to page

From a user standpoint, ZTSP is only one command. What happens when it is run depends on what the current selection is - or, if nothing is selected, what visible objects are present on the page.

For each of those types of zoom, to the rectangular area that bounds the selection, some "padding" can be added to the height and width. How much padding? That can be set by the user, as a percentage of the bounding dimension, with independent values for each of the types of zoom listed above. In addition to that padding, there is a user-settable "minimum view dimension" - because one might not wish to zoom "all the way in" on very small selections.

In addition to the core "Zoom to Selection Plus" capability, a "Zoom to Page Plus" capability is made available as a second command. Again, the padding for that is user-settable, so the amount of white space around the page border can be smaller (or larger) than what CorelDRAW produces with its standard "zoom to page".

Here's the .GMS file: JQ_Zoom_to_Selection_Plus_2018_09_10_0855.

With the .GMS file in place, ZTSP looks like this in the Macro Manager:

The top four subs seen there are associated with the user form that is used to access the settings. At this point, we're interested in the bottom two subs.

In this video, I've assigned F4 to "Zoom to Selection Plus" and Shift+F4 to "Zoom to Page Plus".

VIDEO: Zoom To Selection Plus - Demo 01

A later post will get into the user form.

Parents Reply
  • I use wOxxOm's "sizePagetoFIT" macro to adjust the page to fit my objects, nothing more.
    An automated fit-page-to-objects-and-save-a-copy macro may be useful, even though I don't think I would personally use it much.

    As I noted earlier, I've already written a "fit page to selection" macro, and it does work. So, why would I be considering making a version that saves a new document with just the specified content?

    To the best of my (limited!) knowledge, the "page" can't be located arbitrarily in CorelDRAW's 150 x 150 foot world. It it located at the center of that world. So, my FPTS macro changes the page size, and then "moves everything".

    For a sufficiently simple document, that's no problem, but a document might contain:

    • objects on hidden layers
    • objects that have been individually hidden
    • objects on locked layers
    • objects that have been individually locked
    • guidelines
    • objects that are "control objects" for other content, e.g. Connector Lines
    • objects that are close enough to the edge of the 150 ft x 150 ft world that the FPTS operation would theoretically put them "out of the world"

    In addition to that, the "world" could contain a large number of objects. if the user is performing a FPTS operation on just a small subset of them, that could mean a lot of unnecessary heavy lifting to "move the whole world".

    To add to that, I have noticed some circumstances - involving Connector Lines, for one example - where an Undo does not completely restore things to the way they were before the operation that was being undone.

    That's the motivation for saving the selected content into a new document; much less "intrusive" with respect to the original document.

    Maybe it could help milosh2 to solve his problems in this thread.

    Yes! Anything that is based on the CorelDRAW page size could take advantage of this. My FPTS was originally written for someone who wanted to use it for exporting EPS, with the export based on the CorelDRAW page size.

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