Deselection by clicking an open space gone in CD 2018

In CD 8, after drawing a 2 point line, I could deselect by simply clicking on an open document space. Now I have to use the ESC key. Is there a way of going back to simple deselecting by clicking somewhere on the document? This has become a definite hindrance in the 2018 upgrade. Help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Not any way that I'm aware of, but the Escape key seems to do the job.

    Please tell us why it is so important to be able to deselect directly after drawing, and why Esc isn't good enough.
    I mean, as soon as you do anything else, it will be deselected anyway. Just curious. :-)

    By the way, this automatic deselecting seems to have disappeared somewhere between version X6 and 2017.

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