Corel 21.0 (2019) Object docker icon persistence

Hi All,

We produce labels and machined parts that may have a number of different operations associated. 

For example:

Step 1 digital print

Step 2 emboss or machine away a portion of the printed substrate

Step 3 die cut completed item.

Our parts necessarily have multiple layers associated with them, generally one layer for each process.

The object docker in Corel 21.0 (2019) does not show the visible, printable, and locked icons if they have not been selected, see object docker snippet below.

Layer named "ICONS NOT DISPLAYED" is currently printable, visible, and unlocked. If our operators hover over the area the icons pop up.

Layer name "ICONS DISPLAYED" is currently not printable or visible and is locked. The icons persist.

Question: Is there any way to make the icons persist in all cases? Locked or unlocked, visible or invisible, printable or not printable.

Thank you in advance.

  • I am not aware of any way to force the other states to be visible, as they were in previous versions of CorelDRAW.

    I think they are working from the logic that only the "negative" states are shown:

    • not Visible
    • not Editable
    • not Printable

    If the state is "positive" (Visible, Printable, Editable), then nothing is shown.

    • This is another reason I refuse to use this useless software (besides it being x10 slower and prone to crashing). I am used to just glancing at my object manager and seeing what state anything is in there. Now I have to hover over it physically with my mouse. Who's brilliant idea was this to limit the usability of the only clear advantage Corel has over Illustrator? Also, you cannot clearly see what is active, what's a group, what's a powerclip... Yes, ok, I could probably get used to the new way of doing things, but why fix something that was never broken?? All the items on this new object manager looks the same to my busy untrained eye. 

      I'll stick to Corel X7/X8 till I cannot use it for anything anymore. 

      • You're joking, right?

        OK, there are many things in 2019 that don't work as expected or have been changed for no apparent reason, but the Object docker is, at least in my opinion, not one of them.

        What's wrong with having small thumbnails instead of generic symbols?
        What's wrong with being able to easily see which objects/layers are hidden, locked or non printable, without having a myriad of meaningless text labels or icons.
        And if you have forgotten if the absence of icons means that an object is hidden, locked or non printable or vice versa, simply hover over it and you will instantly be reminded.
        Can not be too hard to remember, can it?

        And to be honest, I don't think I understand what you mean with "you cannot clearly see what is active, what's a group, what's a powerclip".
        Here, it is very obvious, not only because the label says "Group" or "PowerClip", but also because of the little arrow that indicates that you can expand the item.

        So, in short: Neat, clean, easy to use.
        And, it also looks a lot more contemporary than the Windows 95 look we had before.

        Yes, there are things that can be improved but this is already so much better than what we have ever had before.

      • Thank you for the reply. It would be able to turn persistence on or off. In our production environment the software is working well so far. The docker is a little bit more easily navigated by pushing the slider all the way to the right (bigger icons).