Ive gotten this prompt a few times while saving files today and yesterday. Whats causing this?
So I tried saving in a new location and just replacing the the old file with the new one and it said I need admin permission to do so. I've never had issues with taking any admin permission before. (I think the user is just an admin user that's why? I'm not an expert in this area). But it wouldn't let me do this. I then couldn't delete the old file because it was open already even though it wasn't. In task manager it showed CorelDraw and then the file name under processes.
I've had weird/ inconsistent performance with Corel 2019 since I installed it about a month ago in comparison to X8 which I've used from 2016-2022. Is this a thing with Corel 2019? Windows 10? Do I need to do a repair install or something? Or is it just kinda slower and less efficient than the older corel version?
Are you saving over a network perhaps, maybe working on more than one computer?I have seen the same thing here, but have not found the cause.It sometimes happens rather frequently, but then it can go weeks or months when everything works fine.I guess it is something with the network, and may also be because I'm storing my files on a NAS disk.Usually helps to reboot.
We use One Drive to store all of our files. But it saves locally before it syncs to the cloud, at least that's what I thought. Maybe that's what it is. Just never had this issue before now with a newer version of corel.
As a test, try to only save locally for a while to see if it makes any difference.Upload important files to OneDrive manually at the end of the day.If possible.