Option for Zoom speed or steps in ini file


for better usability and accessibility I would like to set the zoom in CorelDraw 2019 a little bit less huge, so the inital steps from the whole image are for me too large. I would like to set smaller percentages in zoom for each mouse wheel step. I think in 2024 it's there, but in 2019 sadly not.

So perhaps I could add a line as a switch in the settings.ini of my CorelDraw 2019 in the AppData?

There is a chapter [Zoom Tool] perhaps it's possible to add there something?

Or any other hint to customize the zoom speed / steps in CorelDraw 2019?

No Data
  • I use other tools - not the scroll wheel - for navigating within the page in CorelDRAW. I think that is a habit that I acquired from using CAD software years ago, before scroll wheels even existed.

    I often use CorelDRAW's "Zoom One-Shot" command, which lets me perform a single marquee zoom to a specific area, then returns to whatever tool I was using before that.

    When I want to see the big picture again, I zoom to page.

    When I am zoomed in on a specific area, I sometimes use Pan from the middle mouse button, which, again, automatically returns me to whatever tool was active before.

    I also use macros for certain types of navigation. See my Zoom to Selection Plus and Saved View Areas.

    My workflow involves using only a few navigation tools, having a couple of them assigned to auxiliary buttons on my mouse, having a couple of others assigned to convenient keyboard shortcuts, and then having them become "muscle memory" so that I can navigate smoothly without thinking about it.
