CorelDraw High CPU - Interprocess Controller

Hi everyone,

I'm running CorelDraw on a MacBook Pro 2.9 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 and it's slow and sluggish.

If I look at the Activity Monitor I can see a process called InterprocessController whose parent process is CorelDraw 2020 running high.

Has anyone seen this before

thanks in advance


Parents Reply
  • % of CPU 169.06 What does that even mean? Does a 4 core CPU contain 400%?

    Try what is said here...

    And contact support.

    If there is an issues with Corel's Mac software then they would have had other people mention it. Frankly, I suspect all they know is that F2 calls up the magnifying glass. They don't have a great track record of helping anyone and from my current experience, their responses are more limited than a hologram of Dr Alfred Lanning! But you should give them a go AND TELL US HOW GOOD THEY ARE.

    Years ago Corel had a policy of no comments by staff in the forum. That may or may not be current. I think it is because we pick on them. :) Maybe it is because we do a decent job of helping people out and they can't hack the competition.

    In any case you should try support. They might have a Mac guru that can put his/her finger on the problem fast. If you want say "Yani says your responses are more limited than a hologram of Dr Alfred Lanning! And that I'd learn nothing from contacting support". That might upset them enough that they make a solid effort to look into this.

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