Makro for selecting all objects with a specific colour

Can anyone make me a macro which automatically selects all objects with a specifig RGB colour?

This is the colour:
R 108
G 133
B 184


(I can use the search and replace function and save and load it... but  just clicking on a makro would make it a lot easier and faster for me)



Parents Reply Children
  • Hmm... the problem seems to be the "true/false" names.
    After using the macro one time... the true/false will be changed to german words (wahr/falsch).
    And I guess that's the problem.

    For a real "fix", you might need to get the macro author to look at that. Perhaps the way that they are storing the information does not work correctly in different language environments.

    As sort of an ugly workaround, you could use a sub to delete the Registry entries for that macro:

    Sub delete_SelectSame_Registry_entries()
    Dim lngResponse As Long
        lngResponse = MsgBox("Registry entries for Select Same will be removed." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Continue?", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation)
        If lngResponse = vbOK Then
            SaveSetting "SelectSame", "Options", "Foo", "Foo"
            DeleteSetting "SelectSame"
            SaveSetting "VBA_SelectSame", "Options", "Foo", "Foo"
            DeleteSetting "VBA_SelectSame"
        End If
    End Sub

    It would not be convenient to have to run that before using Select Same, but again, it might serve as a workaround that would allow you to use it.

  • the true/false will be changed to german words (wahr/falsch)

    I assume you have a German Windows version, which may explain why this happens, but I have Swedish version and it does not change from English to Swedish for me.