Since when it's not possible anymore to grab objects at the center?

What is the problem if I can not grab objects excactly in the center?

The guy in this video
is doing this a few times. Grabing an object in the middle and place it somewhere else.

If I try this I only get the arrow cross, but not the symbol which tells me that it snapped to the center - see screenshot:

And yes, all Allignment Modes in the CorelDraw Settings are enabled - see sceenshot:

  • I believe you may have accidentally turned off All Snapping.
    This is a long requested feature that was added a couple of versions back.

    Alt+Q will disable/enable snapping, while the Q key alone will disable snapping for as long as it is pressed.
    Very useful but also easy to disable/enable by accident.

    Take a look at the "Snap to" icon in the Standard toolbar, if it is greyed out, snapping has been disabled.

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