I recorded a macro to scale currently selected object ( it is grouped object ) by going into 100% to 300% at the top panel.
It is fine for the first object and in the macro, it is written as below:
ActiveSelection.SetSize 5.116122, 5.117437 ( instead of 300% )
So, this scaling uses numbers instead of 300% ( percent )
so, all objects on other pages goes scaling by numbers and turned out incorrect aspect ratios. Since objects sizes are different WxH,
some objects turn out totally incorrect ratios.
Are there ActiveSelection.SetSize routine has % percent, can I put in 300%??
And where is documentation about these functions calls???
I am using CorelDraw 2020. Thanks
I haven't tested this, but could you just multiply the size by 3?
ActiveSelection.SetSize ActiveSelection.SizeWidth * 3, ActiveSelection.SizeHeight * 3
If I'm misunderstanding the question I did have some VBA issues with scaling when importing an object, which I detailed here:https://community.coreldraw.com/talk/coreldraw-graphics-suite-2020/f/coreldraw-graphics-suite-2020-for-windows/63810/unexpected-scaling-in-vba
Jeff, Thanks a lot. I get them working now as below as per your direction:
Wdth = ActiveSelection.SizeWidth Hgth = ActiveSelection.SizeHeight ActiveSelection.SetSize Wdth * 3, Hgth * 3
I have some question on object type. I know - Query:="@type = 'text:artistic' or @type = 'text:paragraph'
But what type is grahpic object or a group of graphic object in here??? I can't find that in Object Brower.
I need what type is a group??? Does this matter group has text, line, curve etc...??? Thanks
This will find all the groups on the active page:
Dim grpRange As ShapeRange Dim workSh As Shape Set grpRange = ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@type = 'group'") MsgBox ("Found " & grpRange.count & " groups.") ' Iterate through all the groups in the grpRange For Each workSh In grpRange ' Do your work on each workSh Next workSh
if you want to find the groups on multiple page then you'll need to add an outside loop to go through each page like so:
Dim grpRange As ShapeRange Dim workSh As Shape Dim workPage As Page For Each workPage In ActiveDocument.Pages Set grpRange = workPage.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@type = 'group'") MsgBox ("Found " & grpRange.count & " groups on page " & workPage.Name) ' Iterate through all the groups in the grpRange For Each workSh In grpRange ' Do your work on each workSh Next workSh Next workPage
Thank you so much. This is what I am looking for. Take care.
Hi KyawKyawIf you use ActiveSelection.SetSize 5.116122, 5.117437 ( instead of 300% )it mean you SET shape size. Not scale 300%To scale you have to useActiveSelection.Stretch koef
where koef = 300/100 = 3
Oh ok Taras. I see my mistake here ( well, Corel Macro record gives me that code ).
Thank you for your correction.
I learn something new - so, this is also different way you could do. Thank you very much.