Links To And From CorelDRAW Community to Forums

This is seriously bad. When you are at the 'Forums' page with the menu down the left side, clicking CorelDRAW Community takes you to a dark world never to return. Clicking Forums in the top of the screen returns you to the Community area with no left side menu to access the Graphics Suite version areas.

If you click the three bar menu drop down next to the green CorelDrAW Comminuty logo and clcik Forums, you do indeed end up back where you want to be, but FFS why tow menu items called Forums that take you to two different places.

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  • To my mind, the ballon icon must be made to return you to the top level of the forums menu as it serves as the first part of the breadcrumb trail along the top, just above the thread title.

    At the moment it just takes you to the same place as the second clickable link in the breadcrumb trail, not one level above.
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