How to insert a file into a "Reply"

Hi Everybody,
    How do you insert a file into a "Reply" to a post.
    I don't see the two rows of icons which show up on a new post.

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  • Here is a list of file formats that are allowed to be posted, with a file size limit of 512kb: bmp; css; doc; docx; gif; gz; htm; html; jpeg; jpg; log; pdf; png; pps; ppt; pptx; ps; psd; tif; tiff; txt; xls; xlsx; xml; zip; cdr; cpt; des; dsf; gms; cmx; pat; cdt; cpl; wpd; qpw; shw; svg; dwg; dxf; ai; eps; avi; wmv; mov; mp3; aac; swf; fla; rif; riff; lsp.

    We intentionally keep the file size limit in place as these forums are not a "file sharing" service. If the file is larger, there are many sites where you can host a file and then insert the link in the forums.


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